Criteria for the ALDE's Local LeaDeR Awards 1. Achievement in Government REGIONAL / LOCAL - Successful reform - Increased efficiency - Protection and enhancement of individual rights - Increasing opportunities for the citizens - Social harmony in the region - Successful dialogue with citizens - Other (please specify) 2. Achievement in Opposition REGIONAL / LOCAL - Successful in pressurising the government to put certain issues on the agenda - Developing a credible discourse and presenting a valid alternative to the party in government - Presenting yourself as a full-fledged alternative and an accountable representative of the citizens - Clearly exposing political differences with the party in office - Translating the party program in concrete solutions for local demands - Successful dialogue with citizens - Other (please specify) 3. Most effective party engagement with citizens REGIONAL / LOCAL - Identifying citizens concerns - Fighting abstention - Motivating young voters - Listening - Solving citizens problems - Other (please specify) 4. Most effective EU ambassador REGIONAL / LOCAL - Dialogue with the citizens about EU policies - Raising awareness about opportunities for citizens throughout the EU - Challenging euroscepticism - Other (please specify)